From the Seabreeze Jazz Festival:

The 2019 Seabreeze Jazz Festival announces their design for the 21st annual event poster and T-shirt. Created by modern artist Thomas Fedro from Wheeling, IL —this vibrant and exciting piece of hand painted contemporary art symbolizes the energy, fun....yet breezy feel of the Seabreeze Jazz Festival. Even the condos that line the Panama City Beach waterfront are represented in the design!
Thomas Fedro’s original abstract art paintings, sculpture, and cubist art works hang in over 3,000 private homes and corporate art collections in over 15 countries world-wide.
Special pieces commissioned include art for the Broadway show “Rent”, NBC Television, Toogood Wineries, Sweet Riot Candy Company, IBM, Hotel Allegro in Chicago, and the historic Navy Pier.
Look for this JAZZY and FUN poster and T-shirt available exclusively at the 2019 Seabreeze Jazz Festival in Panama City Beach, FL coming April 24th through 28th. Thomas Fedro will be on site at our Seabreeze Featured Artist booth displaying his other works.
The 21st annual Seabreeze Jazz Festival features over 25 performances from top national smooth jazz talent in one incredible weekend in Panama City Beach, FL set for April 24th through 28th. Tickets are sold in all 50 states and 6 countries. The event attracts 7500 fans per day to the Aaron Beasant Park Amphitheater.
For complete event info:
Presented by Visit Panama City Beach.