Each week we'll take you 'Behind the Beats' to learn more about the artists that play on our airwaves. This week: Dee Lucas.
Dee Lucas has just released a hot new single “Hot Ice," featuring Gino Rosaria and produced by Adam Hawley. Here is our recent interview with Dee, exclusively for BEATS.

Dee, the new single “Hot Ice” features Gino Rosaria on keyboards… Tell us about this collaboration.
Gino Rosaria recently came onboard as my musical director in the realm of live performances. During this period, we truly developed a musical chemistry that fits my style and direction without compromising his musical taste. He is a such an amazing pianist, that I wanted to explore his work in a recording that both compliments our character. In my assessment of Gino, he plays with a lot of fire and energy; whereas; I bring a more cool approach. After hearing the recording, it was so fitting to call it ‘Hot Ice’.
And you brought in producer Adam Hawley again…
Absolutely, Adam is undeniably one of the hottest producers in the industry. But more importantly, his expertise is exactly what I look for in a producer when it’s time to shape my project. He has great attention to detail sonically, and he allows the artist to have creative freedom in the writing process. However, he takes responsibility ensuring the overall record is where it needs to be in order to resonate to the listener. And for that, I truly trust him with my record.
I see you have quite a few live dates coming up. How does it feel to be back out there playing live?
It really feels great to be back out doing what I truly love, and that is performing to make a direct connection with fans of the music. The fans have been waiting for this as well. So, it’s a great feeling to see smiles again!
Tell us about your upcoming 10th album titled “No Boundaries.”
I am anticipating in releasing my upcoming album “No Boundaries” later this year. I gave it this title, because it will display my ongoing journey of musical growth with emphasis on stepping outside my comfort zone. For example, I will add some work of the tenor saxophone which I have NEVER attempted in my previous recordings. Also, I will introduce a couple of vocal-driven compositions to see where I fit in complimenting someone lyrically. And of course, I am going to add some new producers to the project that will hopefully allow me to broaden my sound. We will see what happens. Lol
You have become one of the veteran artists in smooth jazz. Who were some of your saxophone / jazz inspirations?
Some of the saxophonists that have influenced me, but not limited to, were Grover Washington, Jr., David Sanborn, George Howard, Ronnie Laws, Art Porter, & John Coltrane. I do have to add Miles Davis to the list despite not being a sax player but respectfully for his innovative mindset of coloring outside the lines.

How has your marketing approach changed over the years? Tell us about your use of social media.
The marketing approach has changed significantly for me simply due to the digital world. One example is the transformation from the physical press kit to the EPK. I no longer have to prepare several paper-based press kits to promoters. Now, that information is all contained online using keystrokes to send to several promoters at once. That is just one of many examples. Also, it is no secret that social media is the front runner of the marketing engines. My primary usages of social media is to connect directly with existing fans while generating new fans, creating quality content such as live videos for example, and basically promoting my recorded music and upcoming performances. I truly find that connecting directly with fans is the direct path to keeping them engaged to my musical agenda.
Any current artists on your ‘wish list’ to collaborate with?
I really don’t have a wish list of people to collaborate, because I am seeing new talent coming on the scene all the time. So, I just go with the flow to see what’s required at that particular moment. In my opinion, that’s how we can move the music forward. Fresh faces with fresh ideas.
Learn more about Dee Lucas here.